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Designing and Implementing Microservices with DDD and Hexagonal Architecture

· 12 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

Use case

In this phase, we begin by collecting requirements from a business perspective to ensure a thorough understanding of the objectives. Once these requirements are established, we then investigate how architectural patterns and software development methodologies can be utilized to construct the product effectively.

Currently, local grocery stores must either visit large distribution companies or contact them individually to inquire about pricing, stock availability, and delivery schedules when placing orders. This process is time-consuming and inefficient for grocery managers. To address this challenge, we propose developing a platform that enables managers to easily check prices, view stock levels, place orders, and track deliveries in one streamlined solution.

Personas and User Journey

To develop a system that effectively tackles the relevant challenges and provides significant value, it is imperative that every aspect of the system is designed with users in focus. This makes it vital to thoroughly understand their frustrations, motivations, and expectations regarding the new product we are creating

  • Grocery Manager
    • Profile: Typically has a bachelor's degree.
    • Frustrations: Running out of stock, lack of visibility over deliveries, price comparison is a time-consuming task.
    • Motivations: Save management time, focus on customer relationships and service quality, ensure stock levels are always adequate.

Architecture & Design

In the previous section, we presented a brief overview of the business domain, requirements, and one of the system's future users. At this stage, we need to make architectural and design decisions.

Architectural Style

While the brainstorming outputs for this example are somewhat limited, we can easily envision various services, such as Order Service, Provider Service, Delivery Service, and Product Service. Now, suppose we want to develop all these services simultaneously, with different teams specializing in distinct technology stacks. It is essential that these services remain decoupled from one another, ensuring that a change in the design of one service does not affect the others.

Regarding deployment, we aim to deploy the Product Service before the others to deliver value as quickly as possible. This necessitates that the services be independently deployable and scalable.

By organizing our product around services, we can enhance fault tolerance. For example, if the Delivery Service is unavailable, users should still be able to access other services. For these reasons, we believe that a microservices architecture is the most suitable architectural style for this project.

Regarding deployment, we aim to deploy the Product Service before the others to deliver value as quickly as possible. This requires that services be independently deployable and scalable.

Domain Design

The complexity of the business domain, the rules, and the number of services (system components) lead us to consider Domain-Driven Design (DDD). So, what is DDD?


DDD, as described in the excellent book Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003), is an approach to building complex software applications that is centered around developing an object-oriented domain model.
A domain model captures knowledge about a domain in a form that can be used to solve problems within that domain.

In traditional object-oriented design, a domain model is a collection of interconnected classes. For example:

Figure 1

Figure 1: Object Oriented Domain Model

With this design, operations such as loading or deleting an Order object encompass more than just the Order itself; they also involve related data, such as order items and delivery details. The absence of clear boundaries complicates updates, as business rules, imagine a business logic such as "minimum order amounts" must be enforced meticulously to preserve invariants

This is where DDD can help, by using Aggregates

An aggregate is a cluster of domain objects within a boundary that can be treated as a unit

Figure 2 shows a simplified version of the domain model aggregates. Designing domain model using the DDD Aggregate pattern recommand that aggregates match a set of rules: 1. Reference only the aggregate root 2. Inter-aggregate references must use primary keys 3. One transaction creates or updates one aggregate

Figure 2

Figure 2: Domain Model Aggregates Simplified


Now that we have designed the domain model aggregates and the achitecture implementation view Microservices, let's dive into the architecture logical view Hexagonal Architecture , please refer to this post to learn about Architecture Implementation view, Hexagonal option and why we adopt it

I'm going to use Kotlin as programming language and maven as a build tool

Pilot feature

Bootstrap the project

Let's consider the following feature: place order

As a grocery manager, I need to place an order for a product so I can provision the stock Constraint 1: The minimum order quantity is 20.

Using maven build tool, let's create a project for kotlin.

  1. create a maven project using the following cmd:
    mvn archetype:generate \
-DgroupId=com.algodema \
-DartifactId=grocery-marketplace-order-service \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.4 \
  1. convert the project to kotlin by replacing the src/main/java and src/test/java directories with src/main/kotlin
  2. modify pom.xml for Kotlin, JUnit, and AspectJ
  3. checkout the project on github: (

Implement the place order feature using TDD

What about starting with writing a test scenario for our uese case using TDD (Test Driven Development), this approach help me immediately implement business logic, in this case ensure no order will be created with quantity less than 20 unit.

fun `should not place order with quantity lower than 20`() {

val productId: ProductId = ProductId(UUID.randomUUID())
val providerId: ProviderId = ProviderId(UUID.randomUUID())
val quantity: Int = 16

val orderCreated = placeOrder.invoke(productId, providerId, quantity)

Assertions.assertEquals(orderCreated.state, OrderState.PLACED)

I started by creating "PlaceOrderFeatureTest" test class, then writing my first test as we see in the snippet above. If we look at the project structure in figure below: Figure 3


Within the domain package, I created two sub-packages: features and models. The models sub-package includes representations of key domain entities, such as Order, OrderId, ProductId, and OrderState. Meanwhile, the features sub-package contains feature-specific classes, with PlaceOrderFeature being the current implementation. It's important to note that in the models package, we organize classes according to their respective business domains.

The approach involves declaring instances of productId, providerId, and placeOrder prior to the existence of their respective classes. Subsequently, these classes are developed and organized into packages in accordance with the principles of hexagonal architecture, which positions business logic at the core, as represented by the domain package.

We continue writing tests, they should be fixed and failed as we implement the business requirements in our place order feature.

Infrastructure implementation

Now that we created our first feature, we would like to expose it through a REST API endpoint, but also persist the created Order in a storage, for the purpose of this tutorial, we will implement a in-memory persistence.

The hexagonal architecture defines ports and adapters as interfaces and implementations consequentially used to make the domain interacting and connecting with other components of the application such as (persistency, api, messaging, ...)


A port defines a set of operations that facilitate interaction between business logic and external systems. In our Kotlin example, these ports are represented by Java/Kotlin interfaces. An adapter manages requests from external sources or from the business logic itself by invoking external applications or services, such as databases or message brokers. Both ports and adapters can be categorized as inbound or outbound to distinguish between requests directed toward the business logic and those initiated by it.

Ports destination packages

Ports will reside in the same root package as domain because they are integrated part of it. For our example: As mentioned before, we separate them into 2 distinct sub packages:


Where adapters reside in the infrascture root package that we create to group all infrastcutures adapters such as:

  • REST API controllers classes
  • InMemory, Postgres or any other Repository implementations that serve to persist data.
  • External Systems integration such as SAPClient for example.

Let's create the follwing ports and adapters:

  1. OrderRepository as an outbond port.
  2. PlaceOrder as inbound port.
  3. OrdersApi as inbound adapter that will use PlaceOrder port to expose the feature as REST API endpoint.
  4. InMemoryOrderRepostory as an outbound adapter that will implement the OrderRepository port interface.

Below we created the InMemoryOrderRepository class that implements the domain port OrderRepository interface, Note also that we annotate this class with the Spring framework @Repository in order to make it discoverable by Spring IoC container. Remember that we use Spring at the infrastcuture level without any coupling with the domain.


import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository

open class InMemoryOrderRepository: OrderRepository {
override fun save(order: Order): Order {
throw NotImplementedError("not yet implemented")

Next, we will introduce the Spring framework at the infrastructure layer to create a REST API. We rely on the Spring framework's dependency injection to make our component connections decoupled. Using Dependency Injection, the place order feature will hold an instance of OrderRepository to save the created order, and at the infrastructure's API adapter, the REST Controller will hold instances of our features by dependency injection as well.


This is where Hexagonal Architecture shines. We can replace Spring by any other framework for exposing REST APIs or handling persistence without modifying the code within our domain. This decoupling keeps the domain safe, adaptable, and maintainable, allowing us to change or add new business rules independently of the infrastructure. For example, if we decide to switch to the Quarkus framework because it is better suited for cloud-native environments, the domain remains completely unaffected.

To enable Spring to identify our features for dependency injection, we will create a new root package designated as ddd. This package will encompass the necessary annotations:

  1. Feature Annotation: marks our features classes

annotation class Feature()

After creation, we utilize the Feature annotation to designate our place order functionality accordingly.

class PlaceOrder(private val repository: OrderRepository) : PlaceOrder {
// ...

As previously noted, we will be utilizing Spring Boot for this project. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate the Spring Boot and Spring Web dependencies into our project, as well as to include the Spring Boot Maven plugin within the Maven build plugins.

Let's create the OrdersApi in the infrastructure package under the sub package api, as follow:


import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController

class OrderServiceApi(private val placeOrder: PlaceOrder) {

fun placeOrder(@RequestBody placeOrderRequest: PlaceOrderRequest): Order {

val productId: ProductId = ProductId.from(placeOrderRequest.productId)
val providerId: ProviderId = ProviderId.from(placeOrderRequest.providerId)
val quantity: Int = placeOrderRequest.quantity

return placeOrder.invoke(productId, providerId, quantity)


We now need to configure Spring to recognize our annotated features, enabling them to be loaded into its bean container. To achieve this, we will create a configuration class within a subpackage named config under the infrastructure package. Below is our configuration class:


import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
import org.springframework.context.annotation.FilterType

basePackages = [""],
includeFilters = [ComponentScan.Filter(
type = FilterType.ANNOTATION,
value = [Feature::class]
open class DomainInjectionConfig

The final step is to transform our application's entry point class into a Spring Boot application as follows:


import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.boot.runApplication

open class App

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

You may have noticed the presence of the keyword "open" preceding the classes App, DomainInjectionConfig, and InMemoryOrderRepository. Here is the rationale behind this choice:


In Kotlin, classes are final by default, meaning they cannot be subclassed unless explicitly marked as open. This is different from languages like Java, where classes are open for inheritance by default unless marked as final.

In Spring Boot (and Spring Framework in general), many of its features rely on proxy-based mechanisms. These mechanisms involve subclassing beans to apply aspects like transaction management, security, lazy initialization, and other cross-cutting concerns. For these proxy-based features to work, Spring needs to be able to create subclasses of certain beans, which means the classes need to be open.

For the purpose of this exercice we decided to use the open modifier to make our classes annotated with Spring not final as we have few classes, but for large application we can use the All-open compiler plugin instead of preceeding each classe required to be open with the open keyword.

Finally, let's run the application either using your IDE such as Intellij Idea or from command line using maven as follow:

mvn spring-boot:run

Below a screenshot of the place order request response overview:



This post has walked you through the entire process of building a fully functional Microservice, from design to implementation, using DDD and Hexagonal Architecture. My goal was to share knowledge and experiences regarding the methodology, architecture, and patterns needed to create a maintainable, extensible, and deployable Microservice. However, delivering a production-ready product requires addressing more advanced aspects. Below is a non-exhaustive list of such considerations:

  • Api Errors Handling
  • Application security
  • Database persistency
  • Api documentation
  • Env variable config

Keep in mind that no single pattern, architectural style, or programming language suits all software product requirements. It's important to focus on understanding and defining the requirements, parameters, and challenges to make the most informed and effective decisions


Clean code: Write The Code You Want To Read (Part 2)

· 5 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author photo source


Functions constitute a centric component in the recent software programs, the reason why we should care a lot about all of their aspects from naming, length, composition, arguments and error handling.


Yes "small" is the main rule a function should comply with, so it tell us what it does exactly because a function should do one thing, do it well and only.

To keep the function also short, [if, else, while, etc ...] statements should be only one line, and probably this line is function call:

fun bookTrain(bookingRequest: BookingRequest): Booking {
val booking = Booking.from(bookingRequest)
return booking

Single abstraction level

Or the principle of "Doing one thing", the idea is not about writing function with single line of code, or one step but writing it with the restriction to cover only one computation, see example below:

   fun validBookingRequest(bookingRequest: BookingRequest) {
if (bookingRequest.from == {
throw InvalidBookingRequestException("departure and arrival stations are the same")
} else if (bookignRequest.stops > 5) {
throw InvalidBookingRequestException("more than 5 stops is not allowed")


The Step-down rule

We write code to be read, so writing functions in an order like a narrative text, if we have to put the functions of the above two examples, they should appear in the following order:

   fun bookTrain(bookingRequest: BookingRequest): Booking {

fun validBookingRequest(bookingRequest: BookingRequest) {

we can see clearly that the caller function is above the called one

Switch statements

While switch statement can easily impact badly you clean code, The key issue with switch statements is that they often lead to violations of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and can make code harder to extend and maintain.

   fun calculateWashCost(vehicle: Vehicle): Money {
when (vehicle.type) {
CAR -> calculateCarWashCost(vehicle)
BUS -> calculateBusWashCost(vehicle)
MOTOCYCLE -> calculateMotoCycleWashCost(vehicle)
else -> {
throw InvalidVehiculeType(vehicle.type)

There many issues with this function above, first the function is large and each time new vehicle type will be added, it will grow even more. Second it violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) because there is more one reason for it to change, but the worst probem is there will be more functions that will have the same structure:

  • CalculateParkingCost(vehicle: Vehicle): Money
  • CalculateCarbonTax(vehicle: Vehicle): Money

A solution proposed by Robert C.Martin is his book "Clean Code" is to hide the switch statement in an abstract factory, and the factory will use the switch statement to create the appropriate instances of the derivatives of Vehicle. And the various functions such as CalculateParkingCost, CalculateCarbonTax will be dispatched polymorphic through the Vehicle interface.

abstract class Vehicle {
abstract fun calculateWashCost(): Money
abstract fun calculateParkingCost(): Money
abstract fun calculateCarbonTax(): Money

abstract interface VehicleFactory {
abstract fun createVehicle(vehicle: Vehicle): Vehicle

class VehicleFactoryImpl() {
fun createVehicle(vehicle: Vehicle): Vehicle {
return when (vehicle.type) {
CAR -> Car(vehicle)
BUS -> Bus(vehicle)
MOTOCYCLE -> MotoCycle(vehicle)
else -> {
throw InvalidVehiculeType(vehicle.type)

Functions common patterns

Don't hesitate to make your function's name long if necessary in order to ensure a significant name. When it comes to function argument the ideal number is 3, then comes one (monadic), followed closely by two (dyadic). Three arguments (triadic) should be avoided where possible. The challenge with arguments resides in testing you can imagine the difficulty of writing all the test cases to ensure that all the various combinations of arguments work correctly. Have you ever heard about "Flag Argument"? Flag argument is an argument of type boolean where the function do a thing when it's true and another thing if it's false, these arguments violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).

Argument Objects

If a function needs more than two or three arguments, there is probably a way to wrap some of them into an object, see the following example:

  fun deployApplication(applicationId: Int, cpu: Int, memory: Int, storage: Int, tag: String) {
// do something ...

We can reduce the number of argument by passing an object representing the infrastructure requirements, see example below

  fun deployApplication(applicationId: Int, infrastructureRequirements: InfrastructureRequirements, tag: String) {
// do something ...

Command Query Separation

The Command-Query Separation (CQS) principle states that a function should either perform an action (a command) or return data (a query), but not both. This makes the code more predictable, easier to test, and cleaner.

  // Query function: returns whether the withdrawal can happen (no state modification)
fun canWithdraw(balance: Int, amount: Int): Boolean {
return amount <= balance

// Command function: performs withdrawal by returning the new balance (state modification, no return of query data)
fun withdraw(balance: Int, amount: Int): Int {
return if (canWithdraw(balance, amount)) {
balance - amount // Returns the updated balance
} else {
balance // No changes if insufficient funds

fun main() {
var balance = 100

// Query if withdrawal is possible
if (canWithdraw(balance, 50)) {
// Command: Update the balance by performing withdrawal
balance = withdraw(balance, 50)
println("Withdrawal successful. New balance: $balance")
} else {
println("Insufficient funds")


Let's admit that functions are fundamental components of our code, so it's crucial to invest time and effort into defining them properly, including their names, arguments, and statements. Writing software is similar to any other form of writing—you begin by drafting your ideas, then refine them until they flow smoothly. Remember, we write code not just for execution, but also to be easily understood by others.

Clean code: Write The Code You Want To Read (Part 1)

· 6 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author photo source

Clean Code!

Why should I care?

We, software engineers almost spent more time reading code than writing new lines, how many times do we complain about someone else's code? Many factors can give us an idea about the quality of code and how much the writer cares about it. If you dislike reading bad code, you already made your first step toward writing good code if you care about your heritage. There are many good reasons to care about writing clean code, adding the artistic layer to your code is an inspiring reason for me to learn and apply the clean code rules and principles.

What clean code brings to me?

Clean code is what makes us professional programmers, someone with high-level ethics who cares about the present and the future of his code, he believes that lines of code can live for long and can be enhanced by others with ease and passion. Like a book author what makes him happy is how readers enjoy turning the pages of his book one after the other without realizing the time elapsed.

Clean code is about philosophy!

Clean code makes us more than a programmer, it helps us develop a good vision of the software we are building, caring about its growth, evolutionary, and enhancement. Clean code makes us a thinker about maintainability, design, and the ability of the software to cope with changes quickly and easily. Code is written to live but also to change and evolve.

We are authors

Yes, we programmers are authors, that said, we have readers, Indeed we are responsible for communicating well with readers. The next time we write a line of code, we'll remember we are authors, writing for readers who will judge our effort.

What clean code covers?


As a programmer the first step of writing code is choosing names, for variables, functions, classes, packages and source code files. While this seems easy and instinctive, choosing good names takes time but saves more than it takes.

Let's look at the following code snipped:

 d =;

The name "d" above has nothing to reveal, even tough it is a date object, but we cannot know the intention of usage, either its start date or end date. Note that even naming it startDate doesn't give it any sense, because we need to know as a reader what is the context of the start date. Hers is a suggestion for this example:

taskStartDate =;


Abbreviation Is one of the most common mistakes concerning variable naming, as a programmer can you guess what this variable name below means?


Can you know that msg may mean "message" or "most scored goal"? Personally, I don't want to spend time exploring many lines before or after this one to understand the context of this variable in case I need to make a change. The rule is to avoid any disinformation.


Another issue with naming is the number-series such as (variable1, variable2), consider the following function:

public static void duplicateString(char a1[], char a2[]){

is it not more readable if we use "source" and "destination" as the names of the two arguments? I think yes, it is.

Adding noise words is another problem that impacts the cleanness of the code, you may want to specify that a variable is a String, so you name it: "emailContentString", Here the "String" is just redundant as is not part of the name but the type which has nothing to do with the meaning of the variable.

Word Sounding

As a programmer, there is a good chance that while we are writing code, our brain is pronouncing the text we type. when we cut the connection between our brain and the activity of writing, we usually type variable names that could be difficult to pronounce, and the consequences are multiple: other developers won't be able to retain them easily and these names will be demanding to discuss with the business analysts. While English is the most used natural language used to write code, using other languages such as French or Italian, apply the same rules regarding how easily the variables, functions, or classes names are pronounceable.

Are names accessible?

Each time I take over developing a new feature or fixing a bug that requires modifying a source code that not has been writing by me, I start by searching some keywords that I got from the context of the domain system. For Example when I was asked to fix a UI bug in a web application developed using ReactJS then I was trying to find the matching component in the source code, but it was not as easy as expected and I spent 30 minutes before finding the component named with a number prefix: 1CounterComponent. This is why choosing names that are straightforward to find is a very useful rule to follow.

Coding Conventions

Every programming language provides coding conventions regarding variables, functions, classes, and naming source code files. While the naming took a good part of these conventions, they also cover indentation, comments, declaration order, etc ... I don't hesitate to refer to these conventions. But during my modest experience, I came across some coding conventions from specific programming languages applied to another one. This is strongly discouraged or prohibited by the teams themselves.

Technical Vs Business Names

We write code to build software that will be solving a problem, For example: coding an application that computes taxes. Trying to be a good programmer implies differentiating technical things from business-related ones. whenever you code a technical concept don't try to use mainly a domain name, For example: declaring a variable that holds an instance of the HTTP client could have the following name: httpClient, but if we try to include the business-related usage we can name it: taxesRulesHttpClient as you can see in this case the domain doesn't bring any help instead is just making a technical thing harder.

A last note

Writing clean code requires a piece of cultural knowledge and good descriptive, communication, and writing skills, we can develop these skills by learning from communication experts either by reading books or taking courses on how to write, synthesis, and order ideas. Also evolving on the natural language we use to code. For example, if we write code in English, it will be helpful to learn more words, synonyms, sentences, etc...

So far I wanted to pay your attention to the importance of clean code, and how can impact the software's quality and maintenance, We covered mainly the naming concept in this part. Other articles will follow to cover other aspects concerned by clean code.

Introduction to software functional and behaviour testing

· 7 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author photo source

Functional Testing

What is a functional test ?

Functional tests are one of these software testing approaches or test types such as (unit tests, integration tests, load tests, penetration tests, ...) all with one mission to test that the software is compliant whether with business specification, technical requirements or other quality and usability metrics. But functional tests focus on ensuring that the software functions behave as expected by the business specifications, these tests don't interact with source code such as unit tests, but mainly with the software features. A functional test usually puts the system, the application or the software we want to test in an initial state where we provide the necessary elements to make the test executable such as storing a list of cars in the database, then we test the feature find a car for the period of (2nd march to 7th march), then we validate that the output matches the expected result.

Why do we need to write functional tests?

We need to write functional test to validate the features from a user perspective, hence we validate the following:

  • Feature is working as expected by the specifications
  • Usability: checks whether the feature is easily usable, for example, a button is freely reachable on the page.
  • Errors: when a subsystem is not responding, do we display an error message to the user to help him understand what's going on.

Functional testing style

A common form that functional testing take is the Given-When-Then, this approach coming from the BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) defines the structure of many testing frameworks such as Cucumber that we will cover in our example later in this article. The prime idea is to break down a scenario (test) into three sections:

  • Given: the given part defines the pre-conditions before challenging the system by executing or running a feature.
  • When: is do we want to do with the system, for example ( when I book a car)
  • Then: describes the expected result or output after the application or the software behaves in to respond to your action.

To simplify the idea, let's write an example for a rental car website using the Cucumber Tool (Framework):

Feature: User book a car Scenario: User requests to book a car from 1st March to 7th March 2022 Given I select a car from the available cars for the period (1st March to 7th March 2022) And I select GPS as an additional Option And I select Full Insurance When I book the car Then I should receive a confirmation

BDD: Behavior Driven Development

BDD combines the best practices of Test Driven Development TDD, Domain-driven Development (DDD), and Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) For an agile team, scoping a feature is a very important task, as the stakeholders are talking about the business requirements, the development team is more interested in the technical challenges, Here comes the BDD to provide a common language that allows efficient communication and feedback and then a perfect specification, development vision, and feature delivery.

BDD closes the gap between the business and the technical people by:

  • Encouraging collaboration across roles to build a shared understanding of the problem to be solved.
  • Working in a rapid and small iteration to promote the feedback and optimize the value delivery.
  • Producing documentation that is automatically checked against the software behavior.

There is a good chance that you're agile at your organization so you already plan your work in small increments of value like User Stories. In this case, BDD will help you to deliver your promises of agile on time. BDD does not replaces your processes but enhances them.

BDD and Functional Testing

Let's focus on the word Behaviour so functional testing of behavior testing is these tests your write to check your system or the software you're building how behaves. Functional testing can also be called behavior testing.

Behaviour Testing in action

To illustrate all these abstract notions explained briefly in this article, let's write a small application and its behavior tests using Kotlin programming language and Cucumber

  • Kotlin is a JVM programming language, like Java, Scala, or Groovy
  • Cucumber is a testing tool that supports Behavior Driven Development
  • Gherkin is a business readable language that helps you to describe business behavior without going into details of implementation

We will need the following to build this example:

  1. Java SE (Java 9 and higher are not yet supported by Cucumber)
  2. Maven - version 3.3.1 or higher
  3. IntelliJ IDEA (which will be used in this tutorial)
  1. Clone the project from github
git clone
cd sportair
  1. Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA:

    • File -> Open… -> (Select the pom.xml)
    • Select Open as Project
  2. Verify Cucumber installation

mvn test

Now our environment is ready, let's write some scenarios for the following application:

SportAir is an application that indicates whether we can exercise outside or not based on the weather.

In Cucumber, an example is called a scenario. Scenarios are defined in .feature files, which are stored in the directory (or a subdirectory).

Create an empty file called src/test/resources/sportair/can_we_exercice_outtside.feature with the following content:

Feature: Can we exercise outside? Everybody wants to know if we can exercise in the air

Scenario: The weather is not convenient for exercising outside Given The temperature is 42 celsius When I ask whether I can exercise outside Then I should be told "Nope"

if you're using Intellij Idea Cucumber Plugin, you should see the keyword colored, below the meaning of each:

  • Feature: is a keyword that should be followed by the feature name, a good practice is to use the name of the file. The line that follows is a description that will be ignored by Cucumber execution parser.
    NB: We use a feature by file
  • Scenario: defines the name of a scenario, we can have as many scenarios as expected by a feature.
  • Given, When, Then: are the steps of the scenario. Refers to the definition above.
mvn test
The output should be something like the following:
Given The temperature is 42 # StepDefs.The temperature is(int)
When I ask whether I can exercise outside # StepDefs.I ask whether I can exercise outside()
Then I should be told nope # StepDefs.I should be told(String)

Scenario: The weather is convenient for exercising outside # sportair/can_we_exercice_outside.feature:9
Given The temperature is 24 # StepDefs.The temperature is(int)
When I ask whether I can exercise outside # StepDefs.I ask whether I can exercise outside()
Then I should be told of course # StepDefs.I should be told(String)

2 Scenarios (2 passed)
6 Steps (6 passed)

Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.403 sec

Results :

Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Behavior Driven Testing Benefits

  • Helps document specification by the usage of non-technical language
  • Focuses on how the system should behave from both user and developer perspective
  • Gives high visibility of the system design
  • Helps to make the software or the system meet the user need

The figure below illustrates the process of BDD and how it can help to write down behavior tests.

BDD Process

This figure defines a step flow to help define and write down behavior tests

Software Architecture: The Implementation View

· 7 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author photo source

The 1+4 Model View The 4+1 view model describes an application’s architecture using four views, along with scenarios that show how the elements within each view collaborate to handle requests

Includes the result of the build process that can be run or deployed such as a Java JAR or Node.js Package. These artifacts interact with each other in the form of a composition or dependency relationship.

The Monolithic Architecture Style

Let's extract the definition of monolithic architecture from an example. Imagine you are invited to develop an enterprise application for managing music concerts ticketing, One of the requirements is to access the system from the browser and a mobile native application. SO the application will handle HTTP requests, execute a function and access a database to persist the data. One of the design options we may have is to create different components each one is responsible for a specific business logic (event subscription, payments, ticket editing ...). if we choose to develop with the java programming language and the spring framework, we'll have one application with many modules interconnected and coupled to accomplish the job. But what about the deployment? what type of build output will generate and how to deploy it into a production environment. The answer is we will generate a single Java WAR file. author

The monolithic representation of our example application (Music Event Application) where we can distinguish bounded functions of the system but all in one artifact

This is what monolithic architecture is about to define the output of your source code as one piece that you can easily:

  • Deploy (push or put into the production environment, or any other environment such as development or staging)
  • Scale (run multiple instances of the application in response to increasing traffic)
  • Debug (in case of non-normal behavior of the system you can explore the logs, check the config, and so on to find the error, all these things are on the same process)
  • Question: Now the system is up and running, but a new feature is required which needs to update the payment provider within our application, how can we achieve that?
  • Answer: we have to update the source code, re-build the whole application, think of a deployment strategy to ensure service continuity of our application.

In the context of our monolithic application, many drawbacks are rising while changing a small piece of the system:

  • Even though the change concern only one part of the system, this one becomes indivisible and decoupled, the build and deploy process is slower because all the source code should be re-build to generate the new artifact (Java WAR file)
  • The whole system is developed with one stack which limits the on-boarding of other developers with different backgrounds
  • Less re-usability of the components.
  • Increasing the artifact (build output) volume.
  • Reliability as one bug in the ticket editing component can cause the whole system to shut down.

In the next section, we discuss the alternative and how microservices address many of the drawbacks of monolithic and bring new added value but also some very challenging points to handle.

The Microservices Architecture Style

Microservices architecture style organizes the application as a set of loosely coupled, independently deployable services, Together these services deliver the functional and business features of the system we want to build. Let's continue with our Music Event Application example and try in the above illustration to define its microservices architecture:

author The Microservices representation of our example application (Music Event Application) where 3 services communicate through HTTP using REST

As we can observe in the illustration each service run in an independent process and also could have its database(recommended), Notice also how these services communicate to each other, in this example, I suggest using the REST API through HTTP, but this is not the only communication option we can have, there are more such as messaging using a message broker.

Let's tackle with further detail the microservices inter-communications in a dedicated article, so far and the rest of this document we will use REST as a reference.

What is a service?

As the word service is a most recurrent when we explore the microservice architecture, Here is a definition:

A service is an independent deployable application or software component that provides a set of functionalities accessible through an API. Service has its own logical architecture, Hexagonal architecture may fit many use-cases, In addition a service can be developed with its specific technology stack that may differ from other services' technology stacks in a microservices architecture

read more about Hexagonal Architecture and alternatives in this article

What is loosely coupled Services and why they should?

Two services are loosely coupled if changes in the design, implementation, or behavior in one won't cause change in others. In a Microservices architecture, the coupling will happen when a change in one enforces an almost immediate change to one or more microservices that collaborate with it directly or indirectly.

While designing Microservices architecture, to make the services the less coupling possible, consider the following points:

Database sharing

the data storage is a microservice implementation detail that should be hidden from its clients (usually other microservices). If Microservice A needs to access data of Microservice B, B should provide an API that A will use to consume the needed data

Code Sharing

By definition, microservices do not share codebase, but we may want to avoid redundancy by sharing dependency libraries and end up needing to update frequently in response to that libraries' client's change requests. So shared code should be as minimum as possible. A good practice that may seem strange at glance is to duplicate code so each service has its copy, so we need to update the library to match Service A requirements, Service B remains un-impacted

Synchronous Communication

In a Microservice architecture, services cooperate to accomplish the job, so they need to communicate either asynchronously or synchronously where the service caller expects a timely response from the callee service might even block while it waits. To address the potential response latency, we can integrate a caching mechanism or implement the circuit breaker pattern to avoid cascading failures. These two options could help remediate the system quickly, but for the long term, the best alternative is switching to asynchronous communication by using a messaging broker like Apache Kafka, So services can cooperate by publishing and consuming messages.

When it comes to designing the next-generation software, relying on a strong and reliable architecture helps a lot, In recent decades, much great software conquered the market and is serving millions of users while scaling up and down to reduce cost and energy or respond to an increasing number of requests. Microservices Architecture is part of other practices and engineering designs behind thanks to its benefits, below is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Independent development: microservices can be developed in isolation to accomplish a defined functionality
  • Independent deployment: microservices can be deployed individually and independently in any environment (cloud, on-premise, managed infrastructure)
  • Fault isolation: if one service fails, the system remains up and only the functionality provided by that stopped microservice will be impacted
  • Technology stack: different programming languages, frameworks, and technologies can be used to build the same software, usually a SaaS
  • Individually scaling: each service can scale as per need, is not necessarily to scale the whole system as is the case of monolithic based application

Despite the number of advantages Microservices Architecture is bringing, choosing it over Monolithic Architecture relies upon on the context, the application domain (banking, delivery, e-commerce, ...) and scope (either is a lightweight application or a complex evolving application), your organization software engineering capabilities and culture.

Software Architecture: The Logical View

· 5 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author photo source

The 1+4 Model View The 4+1 view model describes an application’s architecture using four views, along with scenarios that show how the elements within each view collaborate to handle requests

The layered architecture style

This is my first architecture style I've discovered 10 years ago thanks to my java enterprise application course teacher, Ths idea consist of organizing the elements of an application into layers. Those elements could be java classes grouped by the responsibility type they manage and respect the rule that each layer should depend only on the layer below it, Another version also tolerate that a layer can depends on the any of the layers below it.

Even though we can apply this architecture style to any of the 4 model view we've seen above, It is most likely to be used in the logical view as follows:

  • Presentation layer: groups classes & interfaces that handle the UI interactions, Such as desktop application UI that handles user interactions like Click, Press, etc...
  • Business logic layer: contains classes where we implement the business logic of the system. For example classes that calculate the shortest route for delivering merchandise from stock house to customer.
  • Persistence layer: contains interfaces and classes that interact with database or file system. For example classes that communicate with a MySQL database.

3 Tier Java Application Architecture In the above figure, we illustrate the 3 tier architecture for a java application, classes of the same layer are grouped using packages.Note that architecture is beyond any programming language, so for example in case of a C# application we group classes in namespaces instead of packages for java.

The years go by and the software development community began to recognize some drawbacks of N Tier architecture, below we list some of them:

  • Single Presentation Layer: With the evolution of the web and mobile applications, many systems provide the same functions, For example a desktop application for logistics providing the feature of calculating the shortest route and cost of a delivery, While the business logic remains the same, the interactions with the system are evolving with mobile and web users.
  • Single Persistence Layer: Modern systems needs to interact with many and/or different storage systems rather than one database.
  • Layer dependencies: As the business logic depends on the persistence one, we are prevented from testing the business logic in an isolation.

These disadvantages lead to an alternative architecture style we present next.

The Hexagonal Architecture Style

This architecture style organizes the logical view in a way that puts the business logic at the center. In contrast to the layered architecture that has a presentation layer, we have here one or more inbound adapters that handle requests from the outside by invoking the business logic. The same applied to the persistence layer, the application has or more outbound adapters that are invoked by the business logic and invoke external applications. The main characteristic of this architecture style is that the business logic doesn't depend on these adapters, instead they depend on it. The Business logic has one or more ports.A port defines a set of operations and is how the business logic interacts with what's outside it. For example in java these ports are a Java Interface. we distinguish inbound and outbound ports. An inbound port is an API exposed by the business logic, which enables it to be invoked by external applications, for example a REST API.An outbound port is how the business logic invokes external systems like Database Access Repositories.

Like the ports there are inbound and outbound adapters. An inbound adapter handles requests from the outside world by invoking an inbound port. For example in the case of a Java Web Application using Spring framework, An inbound adapter is a Rest Controller that will invoke inbound port exposed by the business logic. An outbound adapter implements an outbound port and handles requests from the business logic by invoking an external application or service.An example of an outbound adapter is an Event Publisher to Kafka or any other Event streaming system.

Hexagonal Architecture

The Figure above shows an example of the hexagonal architecture where the business logic has one or more adapters to communicate with external systems

Let me remind you that decoupling the business logic from the presentation and data access is the important benefit of the hexagonal architecture style. This is very useful also when it comes to testing as you can use TDD easily as you can test your business logic in an isolation.It also defines new model for the modern applications where the business logic can be invoked by multiple adapters each one of them invokes an external system.

The Hexagonal Architecture style is well fit to define the architecture of each service in a microservice architecture.

Both the layered and hexagonal architectures are a set of constraints and rules on how elements within the logical view are connected and how they communicate.

Software Architecture: The 4+1 view model

· 4 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author photo source

The software architecture of a computing system is the set of structures needed to reason about the system, which comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both. by SEI

We can decrypt the above definition as structuring a system as a whole recessed block into parts connected, complementary and modular. The more these parts are decoupled and can work independently, and communicate to each other effectively the more our architecture will fill its mission to ensure a maintainable, extensible and homogeneous system.

The 4+1 view model of software architecture

Like a building, there are different plans and maps that can describe different the different perspectives of that building, we have the electrical, plumbing, structural and others. This is exactly how the 4+1 view model defines software architecture in the paper published by Phillip Krutchen

The 1+4 Model View The 4+1 view model describes an application’s architecture using four views, along with scenarios that show how the elements within each view collaborate to handle requests

Each of the four views has a well-defined purpose as detailed below:

Logical View

It consists of the source code written by developers, in the context of an oriented programming language like Java, the elements are classes and packages, in addition to relationships between them such as inheritance, association, and composition...

Implementation View

Includes the result of the build process that can be run or deployed such as a Java JAR or Node.js Package. These interact with each other in the form or a composition or dependency relationship.

Process View

Refer to the process holding and running either in virtual machines or containers like docker, relations between them is called inter-process communication.

Deployment View

Represents the map of the physical or virtual machines where the system is executed and running, also describes the communication at level through the network. For example this view can be a VPC with all the routing configuration inside this network and between it and the internet.

Why an application architecture is relevant?

An application come to life with the purpose of solving a problem, to do so it needs to fulfill two types of requirements, Functional requirements that defines what the application should do, Previously defined in the form of specifications, with the agile edge we define them as user stories, use cases, or events. we can start coding immediately and produce an application that respond to these requirements without thinking about architecture. But when it come to develop a reliable, maintainable and extensible system, Architecture is our core activity because it helps us answer questions regarding how the system behaves with millions of users at the same time, security threats and delivery time. Architecture meets quality requirements.

Architecture Styles

I found the definition given by David Garlan and Mary Shaw in their publication titled An Introduction to Software Architecture an amazing reference to understand the concept of architecture styles and how it can be view in the field of computing systems.

An architectural style, then, defines a family of such systems in terms of a pattern of structural organization. More specifically, an architectural style determines the vocabulary of components and connectors that can be used in instances of that style, together with a set of constraints on how they can be combined. These can include topological constraints on architectural descriptions (e.g., no cycles). Other constraints—say, having to do with execution semantics—might also be part of the style definition.

Follow are the questions shared by these two pioneers in the discipline of software architecture, answering these questions will remarkably help define the architecture that fit for the system we're building:

Given this framework, we can understand what a style is by answering the following questions: What is the structural pattern,the components, connectors, and constraints? What is the underlying computational model? What are the essential invariants of the style? What are some common examples of its use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using that style? What are some common specializations?

in the next part, let's explore some of the most known architecture styles Logical View

DevOps: Strengthen your digital transformation

· 7 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

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Nowadays the processes used to create software have been considerably evolved from manual and human interaction to test, build and deploy an application to a fully automated process relying on new practices and tools that help teams to deliver an update to production in few minutes or even seconds. If your organization or team still using the old methods and have the willingness to take a step toward these useful and helpful DevOps practices, there are some notions to consider while taking the way.

Software testing from separate activity to core development

· 6 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

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I remember these days when we used to write testing code after implementing the software features to make sure that the code is working, avoid bugs. Besides, we create some scripts to automate interactions with the program.

Writing testing code was a separate activity from programming.

When Agile was born in early 2000 as the fruit of a working group including Martin Fowler, The manifesto defines how agile methods will speed up the software development to bring new products to market faster. The testing activity starts taking a new definition from a side part activity to undistinguished work of software development, Especially with the Xtreme programming method that takes the TDD as its core paradigm. We will cover in further detail the TDD in a dedicated section below, but first, let's review the different types of tests.

NB: there are plenty of test types we can code and run, in this post, I share with you only the main ones from a developer's perspective. Below is a non-exhaustive list of test types:

  • Functional testing
  • Load and stress testing
  • Usability testing
  • Security and Vulnerability testing
  • Monkey testing

Unit tests

This type of software testing covers small and isolated components of software to make sure they behave as expected, Nowadays these code fragments are writing by the developer itself while implementing the product's features. There are some properties that these tests should hold

  • They should be fast.
  • Run frequently as part of the continuous integration process, so they are executed after each commit.
  • They need to be readable, Maintainable, and Trustworthy.

Integration tests

The main role of this type of test is to confirm that the independently developed components that compose an application or a system are working as expected together. For example in a Layered architecture-based application, you may want to make sure that your DAO or Repositories are working fine, or verify the web layer interactions with the business layer are matching the desired behavior, here where the integration tests come to.

Integration tests may cover a variety of scenarios, here are some common ones:

  • Testing 2 or more components interactions and data flow
  • Verify the data sent by a component is well-formatted by another one before processing it.
  • Verify components handle cases where they lost connectivity between them.

End to End Tests

They may take also the name of broad-stack tests or full-stack tests, Despite their slow time of execution they constitute an important value for the product's quality as they test the behavior of the application in a real environment. They are intended to reproduce the end-user interaction with the product and make sure that every feature is responding as it what designed. These tests have the advantage of testing the software with all its parts connected, on the other hand, they have the pain of slower to run and difficult to maintain, the reason why it's recommended to reduce the number of these tests compared to unit or integration ones as shown in the following figure:

the test pyramid

TDD: Test Driven Development

Since its apparition there is many books have been published, I recommend reading one or more to understand this philosophy is deep and acquire solid skills for writing tests, Here is my must-read Test Driven Development By Example, Kent Beck

I'll define TDD as a programming style in which production and test code are written together, with the production code just after test one.

By now we have described the TDD, there are some rules to take into consideration:

  • Rule one: We don't write production code before we've written a failing test.
  • Rule two: We don't write additional tests than sufficient to implement our first scenario of a use case.
  • Rule three: We don't write more production code than needed to pass the currently failing test.

As the TDD is relatively becoming a mature discipline, it started encouraging further innovations derived from it, such as BDD whose main goal is to get developers, testers, and people from the business to talk to each other. In other words

the real intent is to try and work out what your customer or business wants from the software before you start working on it

Once we adopt the TDD and start working this way with testing side by side with production code, we'll write many tests per use case or (feature), and more by component and you can imagine the numbers of lines we'll end up with, managing tests code became as important as production one. I encourage you to keep tests clean. what makes a test clean? Readability, shortness, and expressive. The following snippet shows an example of a test written with the intention to make it clean, but surely the is no perfect example to follow, just keep in mind to give your test code your attention.

public void testAcceptBooking() {
// given a booking id
BookingId bookingId = "48e58688-adc2-4e3d-be9d-f5129723b351";

// when
Either<AcceptBookingError, BookingResponse> either = acceptBookingUseCase

// then

There is another concept that makes our tests more readable, convenient, and easier to maintain, Domain-Specific Testing Language The idea is to create a set of functions and utilities to hide the details of the implementation of your test, the example above we can write it this way

public void testAcceptBooking() {

As described by Robert Martin in his book Clean Code a clean test follow other rules that form the F.I.R.S.T acronym

  • Fast: Tests shoud be fast
  • Independent: Tests should not depend on each other
  • Repeatable: Tests should be repeatable in any environment
  • Self-Validating: The tests should have a boolean output
  • Timely: Tests should be written before production code.

Finally, we want to think about tests as the compass to reach our destination which is the final secure, viable, and high-quality product we build.

Few and permanent rather than many and intermittent

· 5 min read
Reda Jaifar
Lead Developer

author Photo by Rachen Buosa

This post's title is an old quote I've heard since my early edge, but I never gave it much attention or tried to go beyond this phase, just some words shared by older people in my family. Unfortunately, it took me years before I mind the importance of continuously complete small tasks and cut off with the idea of doing the whole job at once. Thanks to agility I'm changing my mind and acquiring new ways of working and producing. Before sharing with you why and how splitting any job or mission into small tasks helped me to achieve goals, I would like to share the pain encountered while trying to provide many efforts at once.

I remember the school-age when I was trying to prepare for my exams, I always adopt the same strategy by spending a whole day revising my courses, doing exercises, and once I got tired I close my books mark the material as completed. I often succeeded in my exams but many times I recognize that I could do better, but who cares, I wasn't obsessed about getting the highest score.

While I'm writing these lines, I remember the time when I want to get abs and being fit, I can't tell you that my motivation was something other than having the summer body. As a consequence, I start going to the gym and training in late April, But for 3 years consecutively, and contrary to my exam story, I've never reached my goal even though exercising 6 times per week for not less than two months. From these two stories shared above, I retain one lesson providing much effort in a short period may, or not work.

But what if I could change something to increase my chances to get a shaped body, maybe be coached by a professional! Yes, I did, maybe follow a restricted diet! Yes, I did, the only thing that I could do and not did it is starting my program earlier and going slowly but surely.

Few and permanent

A few years ago I've had the opportunity to discover agility at my university, then I worked on an agile project, 1 month after starting the project our web application was in production, users interacting with and we are having feedback, this is really amazing and so satisfying. I do believe that the key rules for such success were

  • defining small but valuable feature
  • continuously delivering

Breaking a big task down into small, more feasible ones helped me avoid procrastination and an overwhelmed workload. Here are some steps to follow for breaking a task down, but remember that you're the only one capable of doing that depending on the context, the knowledge, and priorities:

1 - Make sure you visualize the big picture, that means what the end product or make sure you visualize 2 - Think about the order, which one should be completed first, second, and so on... 3 - Define milestones: make a short plan which will help you stay on track. 4 - Complete your tasks early to have additional time for a final review

I do believe that permanent iteration pays in the end, with the adoption of a few concepts we gain confidence and progression:

  • Going slowly, how many times have we heard that? but Have we ever enjoyed it as much as we can. Going slowly means to me doing things at my pace while giving all my attention and concentration to do it the right way and achieve high quality. Consider coding a small program or write a report, try to do it rapidly and at once, then do it slowly over 3 times within 1 day, then compare your results, I have no doubt that quality will differ.
  • But Surely, yes make sure at any stage, you are performing with your best efforts, concentration, and passion.
  • While doing things over many periods, make sure at the end of each milestone you create something tangible, deliverable, and useful.
  • With dedicated attention to detail, because details make the difference.

How the rule of "few and permanent" affected my motivation and productivity:

  • When I started scheduling my job and tasks as few ones completed over many steps, I begin to feel more confident, and sure about my achievement. In my unconscious mind, I'm convinced that I'll reach the expected goal whatever how many iterations I'll go through.
  • My motivation and passion are often at the top, as completing tasks that are tangible, apparent, and useful. As a software engineer, I do love to deliver small features as soon as they can be deployed to production and being used by end-users, But this is certainly true in other fields of application.
  • As my tasks are small, they are completed early so I can get feedback on their useless then I'll iterate to improve and optimize, rather than reviewing a whole job with many comments and issues to handle.

We always need to remind that

Overwatering can kill flowers, a moderate and continuous one give them chances to grow up